Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I have to make this pretty short and sweet coz the power goes off in 20 mins.Over here you realise how we take 24/7 electricity for granted..as well as internet and cell phone reception.
The boat ride over here was about 5 hours and was pretty rough for the last hour and a half so i was not feeling too good. I think i'll stick to dry land for now.
The course is going great. There are ten people doing it and they are all really cool. i have been asked twice if steve is my brother which i think is funny since we don't look anything alike. if i get asked that again im gonna say he was adopted.
Today was out first official day of course as people were still arriving yesterday so we got to chillax all day. it was pretty intense. we heard the testimonies of the leaders and then had a worship time focused on surrendering all our expectations for this course to God and had an awesome time of prophesy ect. So that was rad. Cant wait for more worship times like that! wayne and libby are the guest speakers for next week and i think kim walker is after that. We get to hang out with them for about four-five days...so me and kim are gonna be tight after this! haha..anyways gotta go..thinking of all you guys and miss ya xx


  1. thanks for the updates laura!! hehe ur mum was telling me about how you comments about you and steve being related LOL but that's alright, i wouldn't mind having a sister. so glad to hear you're doing well chickadee!

  2. haha did you hear about the chick that asked if we were married? lol that was a bit of an awkward moment in the conversation.

  3. yeah i did but didn't wanna post it in case you was embarrased bout it :) hehe i thought it was hilarious. awkward, yes, but stil funny. so stoked you having a great time ay. sounds amazing. can't wait for you both to come back and share what you've learned ann help get people excited! love xox

  4. nah im not embaressed i thought it was pretty funny as well. xx
